
There are a number of scams which promise light work and untold wealth.

The general method is to present a system which looks like it might work.

But the only way to find out for sure is to try it and see.

Of course, trying it costs you money.

The general structure is that each person signs up more people below them
and more below them so there are multiple layers of "down line" people and
some of the money spent by down liners trickles up to the people at
higher levels.

Once you get enough layers of people working under you, the theory is that
you then have a lot of money rolling in and you only have to work a little.

However the system is carefully engineered so that it's not too successful
nor is too much of a failure: If it was too easy to succeed, then pretty soon
the entire world would become infected. If it too was hard to succeed, then
people would give up and not try very hard, and the whole system would fail.

Instead, the system is engineered very carefully so that the majority of people
who try it out fail, but only after pouring in their hard earned money for a
couple years first.

It is very carefully engineered to be an ideal parasite -- soaking its victims
for maximum available cash without killing them off too soon.